Energy smart hot water systems are a really good investment to give you long-lasting hot water with minimal running costs. There are different types of eco friendly hot water heaters, including solar and heat pump systems.

An eco friendly hot water storage unit takes heat from another source like solar panels, rather than relying on a gas or electricity supply. The units are usually more expensive than regular gas and electric heaters, but once you’ve got one you start saving immediately. The other fantastic benefit is that they are much better for the environment.

Solar Hot Water Heater

A solar hot water system works by transferring energy from external solar panels into your hot water storage unit. A solar thermal system still requires a gas or electric energy booster to maintain the heat of the water and to ensure hot water is available even when the sun isn’t out.

A solar hot water heater can provide from 50 to 90 per cent of your hot water needs. So that’s a massive reduction of your energy bill and carbon footprint. Australia also has the perfect climate for a solar hot water heater, so you’re going to get really good value out of it.

Solar Hot Water Heater Installation and Maintenance

Australian Hot Water can take care of everything you need to get a solar hot water heater up and running. After more than 38 years in the business, we have all the expertise to give you reliable, independent advice and take care of the whole installation from start to finish. We offer guarantees on our work, as well.

We also have all of your maintenance needs covered, which is good to know, since your solar system is going to last a very long time. Our team of fully certified electricians and plumbers can service and maintain your solar system.

We also offer a 24/7 emergency service, so if you’re having trouble with your hot water at just the wrong moment, we’ll be there in a flash.

Heat Pump Hot Water Heater

A heat pump hot water system has the same benefits of a solar system, but it doesn’t use solar collectors. A heat pump system transfers heat from an external source without directly heating the water itself.

There are a few different types of heat pump systems, but the most common type is an evaporator, which takes the heat energy from the available air and produces a vapour that is then compressed in the system. Increasing the pressure of the vapour increases its heat. Cold water is then passed through the vapour to produce hot water.

Heat Pump Hot Water Heater Installation and Maintenance

As with our solar hot water heaters, we have all the expertise necessary to offer you advice on heat pump systems, as well as covering all your installation and maintenance requirements. Once again, our 24/7 emergency service is there to help you out with any hot water issues you might be having.

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