You’re Overusing Hot Water

Your hot water tank can only supply so much hot water at any given time. Regardless of the size of your tank, if the members of your household are using multiple sources of hot water at one time, the capacity of the tank might be exceeded which will cause your water to run out. It’s best to only use one shower at a time and to run the washing machine and dishwasher separately if you find your hot water system runs out of hot water frequently.

The Water Tank Is Too Small For Your Household

If your household has recently grown, or one of its members has started in a role which requires frequent washing of a uniform then it might be the case that your hot water heater is too small for your household. If, despite your best efforts, you are constantly running out of hot water, it might be best to contact Australian Hot Water and upgrade to a bigger hot water system.

Your Hot Water Heater Is Tankless

The points raised in the two paragraphs above can hold true to a greater degree if you have a tankless or continuous flow hot water system in your home. Tankless water heaters don’t store water, they simply heat it as it is required on demand. Essentially, if you are running too many showers or appliances at once via a tankless water heater, you might consistently have fluctuation between or poor flow to hot water outlets. This is particularly true if your tankless hot water heater is smaller than is needed to effectively provide hot water supply for the whole home. You may solve this problem by buying a larger tankless water heater from Australian Hot Water.

There Is Buildup of Sludge In Your Tank

Sediment or debris from the water mains, along with calcium carbonate, can easily build up in your hot water tank, despite any filter in place to remove impurities from the water supply. Rumbling or banging sounds within your hot water system may indicate the presence of sediment buildup. When buildup exists there is less room for water storage within the tank and so hot water tends to run out faster or restrict flow. Read our guide to removing sediment from your hot water tank here.

The Heating Element Has Blown

If the heating elements in an electric heater are old or burned-out they can either take longer to heat the water to temperature or simply not heat at all. Sometimes the heating element loses its function because of sediment build-up. If this is the case, call the professionals at Australian Hot Water to order a replacement.



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